Panoramic XXL field of view

Panoramic XXL field of view


See more. And still keep an eye on the details.

The Swiss mountain world with panorama XXL field of view and viewed through a standard ADF. Here you can see how big the difference really is.
The 6x field of view of an optrel panoramaxx anti-glare cassette gives you maximum visibility of your working world. More safety. More comfort.

Closer. Further ahead.

A nose cutout changes everything.

Without a doubt, the nose is one of our most important organs and takes our senses into the fifth dimension. But when it comes to enlarging the welder's field of vision by positioning the anti-glare display, ergonomically optimal, closer to the eye, the nose gets in our way.

So we threw all conventions overboard and dared the technological chin-up to give the display a nose cutout. The result is impressive. More than 600% enlargement of the field of view without increasing the weight and shape of the welding helmet. The practical additional benefit is, due to the clear separation from the mouth area, you no longer breathe on the display and thus prevent the anti-glare window from tarnishing.

Our pragmatic approach is so new and innovative that several patents have been granted for it - and guarantees its uniqueness.

optrel products with panoramic XXL field of view

helix quattro

Shade levels 3.0 / 4 to 13
Slide-up 1.0 Clear View
optrel hardHat
EN 379 1/1/1/1
6x panoramic field of view
IsoFit® Headgear
Respiratory protection optional
620 g weight


helix clt

Shade levels 2.0 / 4 to 12
Slide-up 1.0 Clear View
optrel hardHat
Crystal Lens Technology
6x panoramic field of view
IsoFit® Headgear
Respiratory protection optional
640 g weight


helix 2.5

Shade levels 2.5 / 5 to 12
Slide-up 1.0 Clear View
optrel hardHat
6x panoramic field of view
IsoFit® Headgear
Respiratory protection optional
618 g weight


panoramaxx clt

Shade levels 2.0 / 4 to 12
Crystal Lens Technology
6x panoramic field of view
IsoFit® Headgear
Respiratory protection optional
600 g weight (black)
610 g weight (silver)


panoramaxx quattro

Shade levels 3.0 / 4 to 13
EN 379 1/1/1/1
6x panoramic field of view
IsoFit® Headgear
Respiratory protection optional
575 g weight


panoramaxx 2.5

Shade levels 2.5 / 5 to 12
6x panoramic field of view
IsoFit® Headgear
Respiratory protection optional
575 g weight



Shade levels 3.0 / 9 to 12
400 g weight
